Willkommen in Rom. Drei Tage in der Altstadt

Cal Shelley has posted his impressions about visiting Rome during the spring tour in German and English. Er stromerte durch Rom!

The following blog entry has been composed by Maya Sellier for her German class . It was chosen by her fellow students to become part of this blog.

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FA 203 Field Trip to the Marble Quarry in Adnet

Text composed by Mag.a Eva Weiler, photos by Mag.a  Ingrid Hubner-Ebner, Veronika Prömer, Mag.a Eva Weiler

Little do we know about the origins of Art. We don’t know when and where people started making the first visual representations, or even why they started doing so in the first place. Was it only a way to kill time?

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Never forgotten

By Kaitlyn Coakley

November 9, 1938: Kristallnacht, or “The Night of Broken Glass” across Nazi Germany. This fateful night, when the Nazi’s terrorized, burned, smashed businesses and homes belonging (primarily) to the Jewish population. However, targeted individuals also included homosexuals, individuals with physical and mental health disabilities, and many more based on a variety of different reasons for persecution. Thousands of people were arrested and immediately sent to concentration camps. Police turned away, and this night has not been forgotten since.

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Spring Tour 2016 – Greece

Hayley C. Lemens offers an insight into her personal experience, which she gained during the tour and in many conversations with her fellow students and with people she met.    The views, opinions and positions expressed by the author and those providing comments on this post are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of the Portland Kulturprogramm or any employee thereof.


For the second half of Spring Tour we found ourselves in Greece after a short ferry ride from Italy. We visited many different and interesting places from monasteries to ruins to cities. These places include: Meteroa, Kalambaka, Itea, Delphi, Corinth, Nafplio, Mycenae, Epidauros, Athens, and Olympia. We all loves Greece and were impressed that we were able to visit so many places with such variety. I would love to return to Greece as the history, architecture, art, and food were all absolutely amazing! One of our favorite parts Continue reading “Spring Tour 2016 – Greece”

Spring Tour 2016 – Italy

Hayley C. Lemens offers an insight into her personal experience, which she gained during the tour and in many conversations with her fellow students and with people she met.    The views, opinions and positions expressed by the author and those providing comments on this post are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of the Portland Kulturprogramm or any employee thereof.


Spring Tour started off in Italy and officially ended in Italy. The towns and cities we visited were very different from each other and each had their own way of being interesting. These places include: Padua, Ravenna, Florence, Assisi, Rome, The Vatican, Montecassino, Pompeii, Vesuvius, and Venice. I think it is impressive that we were able to visit so many places across Italy. Continue reading “Spring Tour 2016 – Italy”

Spring Tour 2016

Hayley C. Lemens offers an insight into her personal experience, which she gained during the tour and in many conversations with her fellow students and with people she met.    The views, opinions and positions expressed by the author and those providing comments on this post are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of the Portland Kulturprogramm or any employee thereof.


Early one February morning the time had come to leave Salzburg and begin a new adventure. We were to drive to Italy and made our way south while enjoying famous artworks and a hike up Vesuvius. There we took a ferry to Greece where we traipsed through ancient ruins and enjoyed delicious food. Finally, at the end we made our way back into Italy to enjoy the canals of Venice. Continue reading “Spring Tour 2016”