Dieser Blog-Eintrag wurde von Natalie Brown verfasst.
Wir sind am 7. September in Salzburg angekommen. Am 8. September sind wir in die Stadt gegangen. Wir hatten eine Liste mit vielen Aufgaben. Wir haben viele Plätze in Salzburg besucht.
The University of Portland Study Abroad Program in Salzburg
Dieser Blog-Eintrag wurde von Natalie Brown verfasst.
Wir sind am 7. September in Salzburg angekommen. Am 8. September sind wir in die Stadt gegangen. Wir hatten eine Liste mit vielen Aufgaben. Wir haben viele Plätze in Salzburg besucht.
Viktoria Hemetsberger has been working for the Salzburg Program as administrative assistant for 4 years and is now moving on to teaching full-time.
By Erin Burns
Following Father Art’s visit and with the beginning of Spring right around the corner, the future was on many of our minds. It was therefore fitting that the theme of the spiritual retreat on March 19th was New Beginnings. Continue reading “New Beginnings”
by Erin Burns, Evan Gabriel, Jonathan Parsons, Melanie Schmuck, Alyssa Oue, and Katelyn Freund
Christmas Break is the most extended period of time throughout the year in which we are not required to attend classes. Students took advantage of this opportunity, many with the accompaniment of family and friends visiting from the states, to hit the road and visit countries they otherwise may not have had sufficient time to experience. Continue reading “Christmas Break”
In GRM 202 we have studied the German poem Zeitsätze by Rudolf Otto Wiemer. Afterwards the students were asked to write poems with a related structure about their Christmas break. We have voted on the best three of them and: here they are.
By Erin Burns
Krampuslauf. If you said that phrase to any American child, they would have no idea what you are saying. However, it is rare to find a child in Austria who has not taken part in this tradition.
Written by Erin Burns
On the fourth of December, our community experienced an extraordinary treat: a four course dinner at the infamous Hotel Sacher. This tradition began when a former Salzburg member, Jim Ferneding, left in his will the funds for each Salzburg group to experience a true dining experience.
This blog entry was written by Erin Burns.
On the 21st of November, the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving, the Salzburg community hosted a traditional American Thanksgiving dinner for the students, faculty and friends of the program. Starting on Friday evening students began preparations in the kitchen. Continue reading “Thanksgiving Dinner”
On the 20th of November, the spiritual committee organized a retreat based on the theme of self-reflection. Students arrived at a few minutes after ten, and spent the morning touring the Von Trapp family house. After eating lunch, students returned to the main room where the festivities began.
On Friday the 19th of November, the Salzburg group visited Mauthausen, a former concentration camp from World War II. The dreary rainy weather reflected perfectly the somber mood within the group. Outside the camp itself we viewed memorial statues for the thousands of lives lost within the camp. It was a startling awakening for so many of us who had never been exposed the tragedy of holocaust before.
Gedenkstätte Mauthausen by photographer Gianmaria Visconti used under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic.