Spiritual Retreat

by Natalie Brown

On Saturday April 14th, we had the wonderful opportunity to take part in a Spiritual Retreat organized and led by those students on the Salzburg program who are part of the Spiritual Committee. This retreat focused on the overall theme of “meaning”. While on the retreat, students took part in games, activities, and discussions that encouraged personal reflection on what we find meaning in within our own lives. We grew closer as a group through our experiences on the Spiritual Retreat and it presented a great opportunity for all the students to think about what meaning we want to take away from the year we have spent abroad living in Austria. It also presented a platform for speculation on where we would like to find meaning as we go forward with our lives and think about the future.


The Spiritual Retreat really meant a lot to our group and we all walked away from the experience having gained some new perspective on meaning in our lives. As the end of the year here in Salzburg is comes closer and closer, we all have a lot to think about in regards to our lives next year and beyond. The Spiritual Retreat came at the perfect time to give us a chance to reflect on the year and what it has meant to us, as well as giving us a opportunity to appreciate spending some time with the amazing friends we have met here.